Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Windmill Electricity - Does it Really Work?

Fuel isn't the only resource that you can use to generate energy, and we all know it. With so many different alternatives springing up daily, there are much better things that can be used as energy. One of these things is what mother nature provides us with: the wind. The wind can provide lots of energy to power up your home as well!

How do you use wind energy to power your home? You build your own windmill to generate that energy into electricity! And you might be surprised to find out that you can actually build a windmill easily, with very little investment in supplies. In fact, you can buy all of your supplies from a local hardware store for less than a couple hundred bucks! Heck, you could even use recycled material to build your wind generator as well!

What supplies will you need exactly, you may wonder? Some of the basic supplies for building a windmill:

- Sheet metal

- Metal tubing (for the frame of the windmill)

- A 24 to 48 volt battery (a car battery usually works great for windmills)

- Electrical wiring

- And some elbow grease!

You might be surprised to find out that building your own windmill is fun and can save you money in the process! Most people that use windmills to power their homes can save up to 80% on their power bills each and every month! Add that to the fact that a windmill will generate power for years on end, and you've got yourself a piece of equipment that will you will truly value!

Are you in search for instructions on how to build your own windmill? How to Build a Windmill is a complete guide that provides full, detailed instructions on how to build your own windmill!

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